These things just don’t go away on their own anymore
I turn 32 next month
And things just aren’t like what they used to be
“You’re not old!” I hear you say
But still…
If I get an ache, pain or a niggle
They take that little bit longer to go these days
Or sometimes they don’t go at all which means I have to go and see a specialist to get some sort of treatment
A bit like those of us who struggle along trying to do it alone
When really it’ll be a whole lot simpler if we got some much needed assistance and advice
We’re all guilty of a little self-diagnosis every once in a while
But things don’t usually get better as quick as you want them tountil you have someone else…
1) Diagnose the problem
2) Put together an action plan to overcome that problem
3) Check-in on you to make sure you’re doing what’s required to overcome that problem
Yes… It really is that simple when you come to think of it
Which leads me onto what I currently have going on and how it could solve your pain…
So as you’ll probably have seen I’ve got a taster week kicking off from Monday 24th September
I have 3 spaces available for those who are considering the 90-day Crawley WEEKDAY WARRIORS training package
And I’ve already had quite a bit of interest
So if you are wanting to grab one of these spaces…
you need to head here to get an application form…
Joe ‘helping your pains for your gains’ Bullen
P.S. You only have until Sunday 23rd September to grab a place on the taster week