How to get an instant energy boost…
…especially when you are feeling
I’ve had one of those days which
just dragged on and on
My eyes are red.
My head hurts a little bit.
I know I haven’t drunk enough water.
But I needed to get sorted out for my
training tonight
So here’s what I recommend if you
need a little energy boost…
Set your watch or your timer for at
least 6 minutes…
Drop down into lying down or even a
stretch/resting posture…
Close your eyes…
And start counting to 10.
Count the odd numbers on your breath in.
Count the even numbers on your breath out.
Then once you hit 10. Repeat.
You’ll have to concentrate really hard not
to lose count or get distracted by your
But. Once your 6 minutes is up…
You’ll open your eyes and you will feel better.
Don’t believe me? TRY IT
Joe ‘beginner’s guide to meditation’ Bullen