I’ve finally plucked up the courage after 33 years
Quite often you can take for granted
what is on your doorstep, can’t you?
But desperate times call for desperate
measures or I should probably say that
they actually create opportunities
You see, I’ve finally been making the
most of the hill I live on after plucking
up the courage to do my tempo runs
on it
Why have I waited so long?
I hear you ask
Well… Because no-one is out at night
I don’t have to be all shy about anyone
seeing me struggling and as a bonus
there are no cars likely to run me over
So I’m now out there every night
smashing out a nice set of
4-6 x 50-60m hill sprints
It takes me about 5 minutes or so
but most of all it forces me to correct
my acceleration mechanics whilst
conditioning my calves and hamstrings
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But what I’m getting at is I know what
it’s like to be a bit shy about exercising
in public or being seen training at home
And this is why I programme for my
Weekday Warriors to make sure that
They’re doing the correct things for
their goals
The sessions are time efficient and
applicable to what they have available
to them
Want to know more? Message me and
I’ll get you all the details
Joe ‘Running Man’ Bullen
PS – Whenever you’re ready here are 3 more
ways I can help you improve your energy and
make you feel great
1: Download my FREE programme
2: Work directly with me as your coach and mentor
Each month I offer a limited number of spaces on
my 30-day guaranteed results training packages,
The Weekday Warriors
If you’d like to work with me and finally get in the
shape you’ve wanted to for so long…
Just reply to this message and put “warrior” in
the subject line.
3: Check out my free “NUTRITION 101” video series: