Where everyone is an athlete…

A new week, A new you?

Hello there to you all!

Winter is falling upon us.

The mornings are darker.

The evenings come earlier.

The weather is wetter.

The temperature is colder.

It’s this time of year when motivation to keep active becomes that little bit more challenging.

We don’t want to get up and out of bed in the morning when it’s cold, wet and miserable.

Nor do we want to go back out into the dark and cold when we get home from work in the evening.



With strength & conditioning the aim of training is to get the most “bang for your buck”.

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Burgomaster et al., (2008) found 4 intervals of 30 seconds at maximum intensity (with a 4.5 minute rest) just 3 times a week significantly improved endurance performance at a similar increase to endurance training (40-60 mins @65% of V02max, 5 days per week) despite a 90% difference in training time.

Additionally, Ronnestadt et al., (2011) found 1 strength session per week was sufficient at maintaining strength and speed in professional soccer players as long as the intensity of the training sessions was maintained after a good pre-season.

So, the key to maintaining performance is INTENSITY. Volume (session duration) can be reduced. Frequency (sessions per week) can be reduced. But INTENSITY (relative to a person’s maximal capacity and their pre-season training intensity) must be maintained.

Therefore, next time you think I don’t have the energy or the time or the daylight to be able to train…..THINK AGAIN!

Get out of the mindset that every session needs to be an hour long and needs to include multiple exercises using multiple pieces of equipment. Something is better than nothing!

Here’s a little secret…..I’ve been doing this myself.

After a long day of coaching people I often want to get out of the gym and go home as soon as possible. But, throw in 5 sets of 5 reps of trap bar deadlifts and I feel a lot better in myself!

Until next time, train safe and train smart!

Joe Bullen MSc ASCC CSCS



Joe Bullen MSc ASCC CSCS • 7th December 2014

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