Another day, Another Session
Good morning,
I’ve just got back from the SKF Dojo in Crawley after an evening stint.
I’ve just finished session 2 out of 6 with the group training for their grading in December.
They’re a great group to work with as they are highly motivated and keen to learn based on the fact they want to get their belts in December! They are literally wanting to whatever it takes to get that belt.
They’re on a nice journey, which so far has made themselves aware of how they move and what patterns need working on. This is based on the FMS screening I did with them last week. The session I did with them tonight taught them a few exercises for general strength development (squat, lunge, push, pull, pivot, brace) whilst programming these in conjunction with pattern correcting exercises in the form of supersets.
Needless to say, there may be a few achey kick boxers for a few days. But, this will make them stronger, more powerful, more efficient and less likely to get injured. This is where my role as a coach ticks the boxes of being an educator.
Unfortunately, for me, I had a client finish their final session with me on Friday after they trained for 10 weeks in preparation for the South England Tough Mudder in Winchester. But, what a success story.
They were highly motivated. A pleasure to work with. An easy client who would literally turn up and trust in everything I had programmed for them. They did remarkable. Most importantly, they achieved their goals and after improving their FMS score by a massive 7 points over 10 weeks (this is huge especially for a well-trained individual!!!) they left with a better functioning body.
Check out their testimonial they left for me below (which is also viewable on my testimonials page of localhost). It’s reading these kind words that remind me why I love the job I do.
I contacted The Training Pod after signing up to do Tough Mudder as I felt I wanted some specific training and a new approach. Joe devised a 10-week training plan incorporating an initial movement screen, strength, and speed work. He tapered the workouts to take into account the other event I was competing in at the time (Barns Green half marathon).In women, hormonal changes make the vagina more easily prone to small lesions from sex because of vaginal dryness. commander viagra Apcalis is used to treat men who have impotenceLike canadian generic cialis , this pill is very easy to use, however it is advised by the Chinese practitioners to restrict the use of levitra. This product can assist you and your partner to have order cialis online check for more info a proper supply of blood to the penis. It has a half-life cialis prescription cost of three to 4 hours.
I had long felt I was weaker on one side than the other and Joe tailored specific exercises to strengthen and compensate for this. Joe is a very supportive trainer keeping in touch via text between sessions to ask how things are or how I did in my events.I did my best half marathon time whilst training with Joe and thoroughly enjoyed Tough Mudder, his advice ringing in my ears! I have really benefited from my sessions with Joe and have improved in all the final movement screen tests, I feel stronger and more balanced across the right and left sides of my body.Now I just need an excuse to book some more training sessions with Joe…San Francisco marathon anyone?
Clare Davey, Tough Mudder 2014, Brighton