How to Eat and Hydrate Better (A Task for You!)
I often get asked lots of questions about diet and nutrition by many different people.
What should I be eating?
How much of this should I be eating?
What should my diet be like to lose weight?
What should I eat to get stacked up?
And the most common one in my years working in professional football…..
Is Nando’s good for you?
Yes, believe it or not, that was one of the most commonly asked questions by my U18 football players!!!
Anyway, I am upfront in saying that I don’t consider myself a nutritionist. I don’t believe that I am an expert in this area. Yes, I covered areas of nutrition during my 5 years at university. But, I haven’t followed this up in a way for me to be able to class myself as a nutritionist.
However, I have had the pleasure of working alongside some great experts in the field of nutrition. From these experiences I have picked up some great tips and advice. These in conjunction with my area of expertise, strength & conditioning, have allowed me to develop my own philosophies regarding diet & nutrition.
These are what I’m going to share with you over my next few posts.
Now, whenever I am working with a client for the first time I always ask about their diet. It’s imperative for me to know what they are doing and what they are ingesting when they are not with me.
9 times out of 10 I will get told “yeah my diet is ok. But, I know I should eat as much… I do or drink as much……as I do”.
You see, everything thinks they are a nutritionist. Everyone knows what they should be doing when it comes to nutrition. But….WHY DON’T THEY DO IT THEN?!?!?!
I don’t need to go into detail about how important nutrition is with regards to training. It’s pretty simple:
If you don’t eat properly/well in preparation for your training, you won’t be able to train well. Therefore, you won’t get the results you want as easily.
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If you don’t eat properly/well after your training, you won’t recover sufficiently for your next training session/competition nor will you adapt and develop from the training you are doing.
It’s very simple isn’t it?
Here’s the task that I set everyone and anyone I work with regarding nutrition and I want you to try it now.
You’ll most likely see this article on Thursday morning.
I want you to write down the following for Wednesday (from memory) and Thursday (as you go through your day, or from memory in the evening):
- What you ate
- What you drank
- What time you ate/drank it
- Approximate size of portion (e.g. handful of nuts, mugful of pasta, half a pint of water etc…)
- How it was prepared (e.g. baked, fried, boiled etc…)
- How you felt afterwards (e.g. bloated, stuffed, hungry-still, full-up etc…)
- What colour was your urine throughout the day (e.g. water-like, yellow, pale-yellow etc…)
- And how active your day was (e.g. you did lots of walking and trained = high activity, you drove to work and sat down all day = low activity etc…)
Have a go at this task. It shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes out of your day.
I will build on this subject over the next few posts.
All the best,
Joe Bullen MSc ASCC CSCS