How well do you recover?
I’m often banging on about this exercise
and that exercise and what you should
be doing to get a certain result
But I have said too much about when
and how the adaptations occur that lead
to that result whether it be building a
muscle or stripping body fat or
rehabilitating an injury
So whilst you have a little think about
how good you are at sleeping, hydrating
and refuelling…
How well do you recover?
I’m not going to lie. I get those muscular
aches really bad after a tough session
Sometimes they can last for a good 3 or 4 days
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session is only part of it.
To get the specific result you have to get
your recovery in
And don’t forget this can be in the form
of active or passive recovery like maybe
some yoga or walking to sleeping
Hence these are a few things we focus on
in the daily scoring system me and the
Weekday Warriors use
So… If you want to know a bit more about
what I recommend for recovery…
Click here and I’ll let you know
Joe ‘off to bed now’ Bullen