Where everyone is an athlete…

How you should be getting stronger…

I’ve spoken before about the importance of adding some strength work to your training

(If you can’t remember what I said… Click here and send me an e-mail and I’ll tell you)

Strength training should be used as an imperative part of injury rehabilitation, injury prevention, performance enhancement and even a weight loss programmes. 

In addition to improving strength, clients will notice improved body awareness, reduced left-right asymmetries (through unilateral training) and a better appreciation of function.

When it comes to strength training there is one golden exercise that stands out from the rest…

I believe in the words of Gray Cook:

Maintain the Squat – Train the Deadlift

When deadlifting, it is a lot easier to lift a respectable weight in comparison to other exercises such as squats, pull-ups and bench press.

By lifting heavier weights you’re placing more stress on the neuromuscular system which in turn will allow you to develop more strength.
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The beauty of the deadlift over other exercises is you can reduce the range of motion (such as lifting off of raised blocks) to make the exercise more comfortable, without losing the integrity of the lift through substitution or compensation.

Remember a correctly performed deadlift will allow you to simply hinge at the hip (without rounding the back) in order to lift the weight from the floor/blocks.

Deadlifting a respectable weight is important as it reinforces correct lifting technique for when you’re not in the gym. (Think about how you pick up your kids, carry your suitcase, load your shopping into your car etc… ).

By keeping the repetitions between 1-5 and lifting a respectable weight with correct technique, you will elicit neuromuscular reactions and evoke strength whilst creating core stability in the hip drive.

See the video below for a demonstration of a conventional deadlift from the floor…

More to come soon on single leg deadlifting…

Joe Bullen MSc ASCC CSCS • 27th May 2015

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