I should watch TV more often…
I almost wet myself earlier!
It’s the first time I’ve ever sat down and actually watched an episode of “The Apprentice” on BBC1
It was hilarious tonight
I don’t know if you watch it or have seen it before but…
Basically you’ve got a load of people trying to win some money and a job working for Lord Sugar
You win the show by demonstrating your ability through a load of different task which generally involve manufacturing and selling products
Tonight’s episode had me in stitches because the teams just didn’t have a clue!
There were arguments
There were disagreements
There were tears and tantrums too!
But the biggest shock was no one knew what they were selling and who they were selling it to and more importantly why!
I was imagining if that was me trying to sell my services to people without me knowing what I was selling
How could I legitimately promote my packages if I didn’t know what they included?
Or what they did?
Or who they would help?!?
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Let’s just say that I would go hungry for a while if I didn’t
But fortunately for you I know what I’m selling and I know it works
(and remember that’s why I offer a full 100% money back guarantee because of it!)
And it’s quite simple really…
I sell results
I sell improved health
I sell improved fitness
I sell improved performance
I sell improved injury protection
I sell improved confidence
I sell improved well-being
I sell improved energy levels
I sell happiness in oneself
It seems crazy to not give what I’m selling a go, right?
Joe “Sales Pitch” Bullen
If you want to know what packages I’m offering click here and talk to me…