My Top Guidelines for Diet & Nutrition
Right, it’s Friday morning.
You should have completed yesterday’s task. If not, do it quickly now:
Write down the following for Wednesday and Thursday:
- What you ate
- What you drank
- What time you ate/drank it
- Approximate size of portion (e.g. handful of nuts, mugful of pasta, half a pint of water etc…)
- How it was prepared (e.g. baked, fried, boiled etc…)
- How you felt afterwards (e.g. bloated, stuffed, hungry-still, full-up etc…)
- What colour was your urine throughout the day (e.g. water-like, yellow, pale-yellow etc…)
- And how active your day was (e.g. you did lots of walking and trained = high activity, you drove to work and sat down all day = low activity etc…)
Done it? Great.
My top guidelines for diet & nutrition are as follows:
- Are you eating something every 2-3 hours?
- Are you drinking at least 2 litres of pure water (NOT juice, squash, tea, coffee etc…) every day?
- Are you eating something for breakfast each day?
- Are you eating at least 5 different types of vegetable each day?
- Are you eating anything that is a good source of omega 3 (e.g. walnuts, sardines, salmon, beef etc..) each day?
- Is your carbohydrate intake predominantly made up of low Glycemic Index (GI) food, that affects blood sugar levels slowly (e.g. beans, seeds, whole intact unrefined grains such as oats, rye, durum, vegetables etc…)?
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How did you do?
Have you identified any areas that were particularly weak for you?
Do you skip breakfast?
Are you drinking enough pure water each day?
Are you getting enough variety of vegetables each day?
These 6 points are easy to follow. They aren’t much of a chore either!
Let’s face it, we all like to eat food that tastes good. That is why I don’t preach about living on chicken and broccoli!!!
Remember two things, something is better than nothing and small changes lead to big results.
I will be back with my tips on how to improve your diet based on the above 6 points.
In the meantime, have a go at trying to follow those guidelines for the whole of Friday and Tweet or post to my Facebook to let me know how you got on and how difficult it was to do so. It’d be great to hear your strategies before I tell you mine.
All the best,
Joe Bullen MSc ASCC CSCS