Where everyone is an athlete…

‘Bored’ RAF Pilot Sent 187 Passengers Into A Nosedive While Playing With His Camera’

Imagine being thrown to the ceiling in a split second and then descending 4,400ft towards the ground… Some of these passengers were left with broken backs, head injuries and nerve injuries… All because of momentary lapse of concentration and focus on the task at hand Basically this pilot had an absolute stinker and narrowly avoided a humungous…

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How Do You Cut Onions Without Crying?

First and foremost… Use a very sharp knife when cutting onions Option 1) Chill the onions in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes before cutting them. … Option 2) Cut the onion under water. … Option 3) Cut the onion near hot running water or a cloud of steam. … Option 4) Breathe through your mouth and…

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“One Fifth Of World’s Population Will Be Obese By 2025”

These statistics are from this study are shocking! An ever-growing problem (no pun intended) which still hasn’t been taken care of is approaching breaking point Even though it’s been a known fact for a long time that people are generally Lazier… Fatter… Unhealthier… and In worse condition ever than ever before Kamagra with its highly…

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