Where everyone is an athlete…

Are you as fit as a farmer?

Or as fit as a waiter? Functional training is a buzz word that is thrown around a lot these days… But on the scale of functional exercises loaded carries are right up there! They challenge the strength of the trunk muscles… They encourage good posture… They build endurance and stability in the forearm and shoulder…

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Here’s a dilemma for you…

You want to train hard to get results… But you don’t want to knacker yourself out so you can’t perform What do you do? Do you not train and lose your momentum and the gains you currently have? Or do you follow a programme that is planned around your schedule? Today was a power session…

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It’s good to fail…

…and that’s because we learn from it We learn from our mistakes That’s how we develop That’s how we grow Tim Perlot outlined the beauty of a ‘fail-safe’ environment for S&C coaches like myself in a recent podcast But failing and learning can be applied to pretty much everything in life If you do something…

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