Where everyone is an athlete…

Diet Tips Part 4: Add some colour to your diet!

Back to where we were… Are you eating at least 5 different types of vegetable each day? The 5-a-day thingy that’s so highly publicised in the press is both a good thing and a bad thing. It’s good because it has given us a realistic target to ensure we are getting a balanced diet. Making…

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Training aches or injuries? When to get help….

As a S&C coach, it is part of my duty of care and my role and responsibility to not work outside my area of expertise. This is why it is important for me to have a good network of other professionals who I can work with in order to give the best possible practice to…

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My World Class Diet & Nutrition Tips: Part 3

Are you eating something for breakfast each day? This was number 3 in my guidelines from which you marked your food diaries. How many of you don’t eat anything at all for breakfast? It still surprises me how many people do skip breakfast, and it’s even more surprising the number of those who skip breakfast…

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