Where everyone is an athlete…

Something’s a whole lot better than nowt

So I’ve been rushing around all day like a blue-arsefly and I’ve left it a little late to get my daily e-mail out to you   But even though it’s almost 11am on a Saturday night and the littles one have just settled down…   I’m still going to make sure you fall asleep or even…

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A Pastor Tries to Walk on Water and Gets Devoured by Crocodiles in Front of His Whole Church

Zimbabwean pastor Jonathan Mthethwa was trying to show his congregation how Jesus walked on water by crossing what is locally known as Crocodile River on foot… It didn’t go as planned unfortunately… Eyewitness Deacon Nkosi told Zimbabwe Today: “The pastor taught us about faith on Sunday last week. He promised he would demonstrate his faith to us…

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All or nothing when it comes to excellence

…and this is usually why we give up before we’ve even started   (I did a video on this today on the JBSC Facebook page)   We all know what gets us fitter and stronger   We all know what healthy eating looks likes   But instead of drip feeding small changes into your life……

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