Where everyone is an athlete…

Improve your posture by adding these to your routine…

These two beauts are so fantastically simple yet effective for multiple different goals You can add them to circuits or pair them with other exercises as a superset in order to develop cardiovascular fitness Or use them to help develop grip strength and posture to help with other lifts But one of my favourite uses…

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When you are struggling to get your message across…

He stuttered… He mumbled… He got tongue tied… But he eventually dropped some important information! Make sure your training programme includes what you’re NOT DOING in order to balance out what you’re doing a lot of You can search throughout history and even within our modern times, and nowhere will you find greater advances in medicine…

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Forget food: it’s your air-con that’s making you fat

Here’s an interesting read for you today…   Basically because we’re controlling our environment, we’re slowing our energy expenditure   Long exposure to air conditioning is causing use to burn less calories   “The environment plays a role in human energy balance because when the human body remains in thermoneutral conditions, heat production is minimal…

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