Where everyone is an athlete…

I bet 2Pec didn’t ask for a Snoop Doggy Doggy bag

Because he left in a bit of a rush it seems… “An Australian rapper called 2pec racked up a large bill in a seafood restaurant, before running into the sea to avoid paying, a Queensland court has heard.” But he was no match for the police officers who caught him… “Police set off in hot…

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A few home truths…

I was chatting with a gentleman the other day about weightlifting for martial artists…   He was interested in how I go about strength & conditioning training without making these guys slower and unable to kick as high   Well this question reminded me about some of the many misconceptions and myths there are about…

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The first quarter of 2017 is done…

So that’s another working week done and dusted… April has started well with every single one of my clients making progress with their weight, waist measurements and functional movement screen results So roll on next week where they’ll all be issued with their new training programmes for the next 4 weeks You see we don’t…

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