People Spend More Time Sitting On The Toilet Each Week Than Exercising, Study Finds
I’ve just been having a little night-time read of this article:
Adults clock up an average of three hours and nine minutes on their loos every week
But spend just 90 minutes being active.
In fact, more than a quarter (26%) of people exercise for 30 minutes or less each week, the survey showed.
And overall, almost two-thirds (64%) of Britons sit down for at least six hours a day.
The poll of 2,000 adults for the not-for-profit body UKactive, also revealed that only 12% of people know how much exercise is needed for good health.
The NHS recommends that adults do 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise, such as cycling, swimming or brisk walking.
Steven Ward, chief executive of UKactive, said: “Humans are made to move, but modern living has stripped physical activity out of our lives to the point where we pass more time spending a penny than we do getting sweaty.
“The major health concern here is our lack of exercise, but things like poor diet, lack of exertion and our tendency to play on smartphones in the bathroom are all other factors that are driving this inbalance.”
I’m sure you’re guilty of being a “smartphone toilet user” like I am too
However, I still manage to get my 150 mins of exercise in each week
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How about you?
I might work in the fitness industry coaching people
But I’m actually no different to you
I often struggle with motivation to train because my real passion is in coaching others
I also struggle with my motivation as a result of my often poor energy levels as a result of not sleeping enough
Along with getting up early and living with two small kids
So no it’s not easy to get your training in at times
But it’s definitely possible and I have a formula that works for getting results out of what you do
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Joe “off to bed because I’m up early in the morning” Bullen