What we’re doing right now…
As you know I’ve got some superb specimens of homo-sapien in the “I’m an Athlete” training group
(You could even qualify to be one yourself if you apply for a space on the FREE taster week here: http://www.joebullen.com/athlete)
At the moment we’re just setting ourselves up for our next 90-day goals which is an exciting time for us all
Especially as we’re working towards something we each really want to achieve whether that’s a physique, a performance attribute or even a mindset
(I say we because I’m in on this with my stuff too. But more about that another time)
Without giving too much away about the goal setting process we follow here are the key bits:
We can look back at our last 90 days and by doing a “track-back” meaning we can look at what we did and what we didn’t
Next up we are honest with ourselves. We have the deep conversation as with ourselves to identify and acknowledge why we are where we are
…And after all the target setting specifics that you can find out on the FREE taster week (apply here: http://www.joebullen.com/athlete)…
Then most importantly… WE DON’T FEAR FAILURE!
Because if you do you won’t succeed. PERIOD.
From failing we learn (I’ve banged on about that so many times to you now)
We learn from making mistakes
It allows us to develop, grow and it stirs emotion
Basically it shows you if you give a shit or not!
So roll on the remaining 4 sessions this week with the “I’m an Athlete” members so we can get our next 90-day goals set up
Joe “getting good at failing makes you better at succeeding” Bullen
P.S. Do you want in? The 4th September is when the FREE taster week starts
Apply here: http://www.joebullen.com/athlete
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