Where everyone is an athlete…

What’s your pain?

Who’s going to reply and say Joe Bullen’s daily e-mails? Ha Ha

Today I wanted to speak to you about changing

What causes people to change?

What causes you to seek new behaviour?

What causes you to take things in a different direction?

The answer…PAIN

As humans we learn from pain and this causes us to change based on our experience

The first person to get stung by a wasp did!

As did the first person to walk through some stinging nettles did too!

But what about emotional pain?

The pain of feeling fed up about how you look?

The pain of feeling down because you get so out of breath climbing the stairs?

The pain of feeling unattractive because you don’t like your waistline?

In these examples, we change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing.
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Think about that…

When you’re unhappy about something…


The answer in terms of health, fitness, performance and well-being is usually going to be…NO

Yes you’ll ache from your first few training sessions…

But will it kill you?

Yes it’s annoying not eating those chocolate biscuits with your fizzy drink at lunch…

But will it kill you?

I’ll let you think about that one for the time-being…

Joe “House of Pain” Bullen

P.S. Still a few spaces left for the FREE trial week for MIDDAY MADNESS on the 28th Nov, 30th Nov and 2nd Dec

Apply for your space below…


Joe Bullen MSc ASCC CSCS • 18th November 2016

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