Where everyone is an athlete…

When does a puddle become a pond?

On my drive to the gym I work from in Crawley I pass through some winding country roads

I pass this one farm that has had one of it’s fields completely flooded for the best part of 4 months now

It’s pretty amazing seeing how it’s gone from being a muddy puddle to now housing a family of ducks, the odd seagull and even a huge heron

However the question has to be asked…

“When does this puddle become a pond?”

Small problems if not rectified can become a lot bigger

This can often the case in sport and exercise too

Small problems are easy to put off because usually they don’t cause too much pain or disruption to your performance

But unfortunately they don’t always just disappear

There are many commonly used analogies about small problems and performance…

“You can’t shoot a cannon from a canoe”
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“A sports car with no brakes will crash”

“Driving down the road in a car with the tracking out won’t cause the problems driving across the country will”

In my line of work as a strength and conditioning coach I have two main aims:

1) To enhance sports performance through building strength, fitness and power

2) To reduce the risk of injuries to the athlete through enhancing movement and efficiency 

This is why I movement screen every individual I work with so I can see what they can do well and what they can’t do so well in the most basic form of movement

I check how they squat, step, lunge, reach, pivot, push and brace and from that I can see what direction my programming needs to go in to allow them to get the best results we can

We then clear up any movement asymmetries and/deficiencies and build them up in terms of strength, power and fitness

It’s pretty simple really.

Do you have any small niggles that have been hanging around for quite a while and won’t just go away?

Joe Bullen MSc ASCC CSCS • 28th April 2016

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