Why you should be like Toyota
Since I started sending daily e-mails I’ve become a bit of a parrot…
But I’m pretty sure my message is getting across…
Kaizen is a Sino-Japanese word meaning “change for better”…
In business it is the process of small continuous improvements…
These small improvements accumulate and lead to big results…
The Toyota production system is renowned for adopting Kaizen and as a result…
They are one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world with a reputation for building safe and reliable vehicles.
But what’s this got to do with you and strength & conditioning?
Well…Remember my catch-phrase?
“Something is better than nothing”
Small changes lead to big results!
5 minutes of a mobility exercise a day is better than no mobility exercise a day…
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Taking the stairs at work is better than taking the lift…
These small changes are realistic…
These small changes are manageable…
Once they become habitual like brushing your teeth or going to the toilet…
They are no longer a big deal, chore or a challenge!
So…If you’re one of those who says lack of time is why you can’t train/exercise…
You’re clearly not motivated enough to reach your goal.
There is always time for yourself. You just have to look for it.
(Remember…There’s no law saying a workout has to be 60 mins long and leave you sweaty and aching).
Until next time,